Help Us Bring Home Our Son
Help Us Bring Home Our Son
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Erica Barreto is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
We are the Barreto’s! We have an incredible little boy named Santiago, who is our joy on earth. Since he was 6 months old, we have been trying for another child. We were labeled secondary infertility with no real medical cause for why we weren’t able to conceive. After many years of medications, treatments, tests and tears, we have decided it is time to pursue what we have known we’ve wanted all along…to adopt!!
There is one particular village in Africa that is housing our future son. This little boy is the true definition of an orphan as he has never known a family. He has a very calming presence, which is the total opposite of our bio wild child! His smile melts our hearts and know it will to everyone who meets him! There is not a day that goes by that we are not praying over him.
We have started our adoption process through Nightlight Christian Adoptions and have begun our home study!
Goal: $36,000 — This allows us to complete the entirety of the adoption and get our son home quickly! This includes: Court fees, petition fees, traveling to Africa, legal documents and a medical exam.
Will you consider helping and bringing our son home?
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Erica Barreto is organizing this fundraiser.